
macro_lightning.plot.plot_humandeath_constraints(human_mass: Union[None, Sequence] = None, human_xsec: Union[None, Sequence] = None, human_upper: Union[None, Sequence] = None, label=False)[source]

Plot Constraints from dark matter caused human deaths.

Macroscopic dark matter (macros) refers to a class of dark matter candidates that scatter elastically off of ordinary matter with a large geometric cross-section. A wide range of macro masses \(M_X\) and cross-sections \(\sigma_X\) remain unprobed. Over a wide region within the unexplored parameter space, collisions of a macro with a human body would result in serious injury or death. The absence of such unexplained impacts with a well-monitored subset of the human population to exclude a region bounded by \(\sigma_X > 10^{−8} − 10^{−7}\) cm2 and \(M_X < 50\) kg [1].

human_massndarray, optional

N x 1 array for a fill_between if None (default) will load from load_humandeath_constraints()

human_xsecndarray, optional

N x 1 array for a fill_between if None (default) will load from load_humandeath_constraints()

human_upperndarray, optional

N x 1 array for a fill_between if None (default) will load from load_humandeath_constraints()

Other Parameters

whether to add the label ‘death’



J. S. Sidhu, R. Scherrer, and G. Starkman, Physics Let- ters B 803, 135300 (2020).