Plot (macro_lightning.plot)

This module provides functions to plot macro phase-space constraints. Of particular note is constraints_plot() which allows very easy creation of a standardized constraint plot.

with plot.constraints_plot(
    m_arr=m_arr, sigmin=sigmin, sigmax=sigmax,
    all_constrs=True, constr_labels=True,
    # any custom constraints can be plotted here


macro_lightning.plot Module

Plotting Functions.


plot_atomic_density_line(mass[, label])

Plot Atomic Density Line.

plot_nuclear_density_line(mass[, label])

Plot Nuclear Density Line.

plot_black_hole_line(mass[, label])

Plot Black Hole Density Line.

plot_reference_densities(mass[, label])

Plot Reference Density lines / constraints.

plot_mica_constraints([points, label])

Plot Constraints from Mica.

plot_white_dwarf_constraints([points, label])

Plot Constraints from the existence of massive White Dwarfs.

plot_cmb_constraints(m_arr, sigmax[, label])

Plot Constraints from the CMB.

plot_superbursts_constraints([points1, ...])

Plot Constraints from Superbursts in Neutron Stars.

plot_humandeath_constraints([human_mass, ...])

Plot Constraints from dark matter caused human deaths.

plot_dfn_constraints([dfn_mass, dfn_xsec, ...])

Plot Constraints from Desert Fireball Network (DFN).

plot_lensing_constraints([Mmicro, label])

Plot Constraints from microlensing of the LMC.

plot_black_hole_constraints(m_arr, sigmin[, ...])

Plot Constraints from Black Holes.

constraints_plot(m_arr[, sigmin, sigmax, ...])

Make standard constraint plot, with custom constraints in context.